Business and Work Skills - Parramatta College
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Business and Work Skills

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Microsoft Office Intermediate

  Microsoft Office Intermediate is an nationally accredited course.  Be in front of the game and learn the valuable skills to be more efficient and organised at work and home using Microsoft Word, Excel. Power Point and Outlook. This intermediate course is designed to improve your expertise and build upon your skills and master the features in Microsoft Office programs.  These mid level skills will give you the advantage in the workplace.  Be efficient and gain the skills,... [More]
Assessments are made against units of competency from the Certificate III in Business BSB30120.
  • Use business software applications (BSBTEC201)
  • Design and produce spreadsheets (BSBTEC302)
$550 Limited GST free
Microsoft Office Intermediate

<p>{image name:"Certificate III in Business"} </p>

<p><em><strong>Microsoft Office Intermediate</strong></em> is an nationally accredited course.  Be in front of the game and learn the valuable skills


NSW Government subsidy may be available for eligible participants.  Please call 02 96872072 or send an email to to assess your eligibility for subsidised fee.  Please do not enrol online and contact our office.

If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

Accounting for Non-Accountants

About the course This course suits business owners and finance people who wish to improve their ability to understand and analyse the financial aspects of a given business and enhances one’s ability to comprehend complex reporting, terminology and compliance. Presented and compiled by a qualified Accountant & Registered BAS practitioner, this course aims at enabling participants to engage and prepare different financial reports & forecasts as well as the ability to highlight key... [More]

Social Enterprises

About the workshop Delivered with the support of City of Parramatta, this workshop focuses on what a social enterprise is, it’s structure and how it can make a contribution to the community while still maintaing a viable business idea. Learning outcomes Brief discussion on social enterprises – a commercially viable organisation focused on helping the community * There is a growing need to strengthen the relationships between commercial sectors and social business sectors and this... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Customer Service Skills

About the course Great customer service is at the core of a successful business whether it is a small or a large enterprise. This skillset is designed for the people who require customer service skills to interact with internal and external stakeholders to provide excellent customer service experience same time developing and applying thinking and problem-solving skills. What I will learn This course will provide the skills required to make your clients feel welcome, manage the... [More]
Assessments are made against units of competency from the Certificate III in Business BSB30120.
  • Develop and apply thinking and problem solving skills (BSBCRT201)
  • Process customer complaints (BSBOPS305)
  • Deliver and monitor a service to customers (BSBOPS304)

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Small Business Office Skills

Does your business need an office skills boost?  This course is for you - Work smarter not harder ! Parramatta Community College have developed a customised short course to improve your office efficiency.  The Small Business Office Skills units are especially designed for a small growing business to improve upon time management and refine the necessary skills to assist you with building your empire. Don’t waste time in the office -  time is better spent growing your business with... [More]
Assessments are made against units of competency from the Certificate III in Entrepreneurship and New Business BSB30220.

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Tradies Office Skills

  Does your business need an office skills boost?  This course is for you - Work smarter not harder ! Parramatta Community College have developed a customised short course to improve your office efficiency.  The Tradies Office Skills units are especially designed for a small growing business to improve upon time management and refine the necessary skills to assist you with building your empire. Don’t waste time in the office -  time is better spent growing your business with skills... [More]
Assessments are made against units of competency from the Certificate III in Entrepreneurship and New Business BSB30220.

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Keyboard Speed and Accuracy Testing

Keyboard typing speed tests are available during office hours at Suite 1, Level 1, 410 Church Street, Ross Street entrance, North Parramatta. Building entrance is via Ross St. Please call our office on 9687 2072 for an appointment. Fee is $85. No Discounts. The test will start with a warm up session where you may choose to practise typing a word processing document for 5 minutes. As this is a warm up session, the score won’t be counted towards your certificate. The test will be for... [More]